For the 20 days delay to support iOS 9.3.
For the 20 days delay to support iOS 9.3.
Please update your suite of apps under BES12 for 9.3 support. There are many of us who can not access these apps for corporate use and its a pain!!
Why does it take so long to provide an update for the app. Terrible!!!! If I wasnt being forced to use this app for work I would definitely delete it ASAP. It would be nice to take Stars away from you.
Work connect doesnt work as it close automatically every 2 minutes.
First its doesnt work second its the worst app ever third what they mean by the active & bla bla bla والله انا ما فهمت ليش ما يشتغل او هـذا bbm ولا هذا لي بقولة لكم شكرًا
BES10 is a fake app guys. Real BBM is not available for iPhones and Andriods until 22 Sep 2013
Como obtener el server address How get the server address please help me
This app is not a fake bbm like the ones on the google play App Store, its a app for BES Administration it never said it was BBM. Grow up and get a life people.
Why would u create an app without any direction? How the hell do I get this activated? U guys got my hopes and ur lame already!!!!
Anyone who has asked where the server address is must no nothing about technology or cant read. Its for enterprise server. If you dont know what that means do not download this app. Serious sometimes I wonder
It is not fake or a scam. This is for enterprise/business, not so you can text your mates via BBM. Stop flaming this app. If you dont work for a company without blackberry enterprise server address this app will do nothing for you.
This app doesnt work and it asks for Server address. No use to download it.
Do not download, it is not the bb messenger!
Hey guys stop westing ur time this app is not the real one, they have withdrawn it few hours after release due to security leaks.
What is the server adress? No email come to my email adress, help dear admin, tq
is this fake change this you just created to make confusion!!! rrrr
Sent from my iPhone
Help please
Seems everyone keeps writing 1-star reviews because they are incompetent or illiterate. This is not BlackBerry Messenger. You can tell because it doesnt say "BlackBerry Messenger" in the title. Stop skewering the reviews you clueless asshats.